By April 22, 2015 November 9th, 2017 Missions

As I woke up this morning I was checked with this quote to start my day:

“Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, orphans and all of the injustices in the world when He could do something about it, but I’m afraid that He would ask me the same thing.”

I cannot tell you of the countless times I have struggled with the reasoning of social injustice that is all around us locally and globally. This past summer I spent eight days working in an orphanage in Guatemala City as well as doing community work in the Ghetto of Zone 6 and the dump. I love being in countries where I am not as familiar with the language because it forces me to share the Love of God through action instead of with words.

As our team was working in the dump we shared simple acts of love while we were handing out food and supplies and you could see the dramatic transformation taking place in the lives of those we were ministering to. I was overcome with the Love of God. I realized in that moment that the reason Christ emphasized love more than any other principle in his ministry (Matthew 22:36-39) is because love has the power of overcome all injustice. In that moment these people felt desired and loved by a God who created them and loves them beyond their circumstance and social standing.

Back to the quote: this is one of the greatest philosophical arguments in the argument against the existence of God. Their argument: “if there were a God there would be no evil and injustice in the world – evil and injustice exist in the world; therefore there is no God.” But I believe that throughout the course of history God’s interaction with human kind has come by means of Him working through people. In the Book of Exodus, God used Moses to lead the people of Israel out of captivity into the Promised Land, In modern times God worked through Billy Graham to touch hundreds of thousands of lives, every day God is interacting through his creation. It was through the giving of the Holy Spirit that God moves and interacts with us even now.

Could it be that God has placed us in this world with the power to change these circumstances, however, He is limited by our choices to use what He has blessed us with on ourselves?

Why is this such a tough question? It’s because it shifts the action to us. We do not want to accept that our choosing to not act on these issues is a choice to let them continue.

What injustices exist around you on a daily basis? Every day we are faced with situations where we can act in one of two ways: we can choose to act in love, or we can choose not to. Profound, I know.

The key to overcoming poverty, orphaned children and injustice is simple, love. Because if you truly take on the Love of God, you will be moved to action. For God so loved the world that he gave (John 3:16). Be the hands and feet of God to the world that is around you acting in love rather than limiting God.