He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.’ – Psalm 23:2
God, as our shepherd, leads us beside still waters and makes us lie down in green pastures. These images evoke a sense of peace and rest. In our busy lives, we often neglect the rest that our souls desperately need. God invites us to find rest in Him, to pause and be refreshed in His presence. When we spend time with God, we experience a restoration that goes beyond physical rest. It is a deep, soul-refreshing rest that only He can provide. Take a moment today to rest in God’s presence and allow Him to restore your soul.
How can you create space in your life to rest in God’s presence and experience His restoration?
Time away will refresh you momentarily. But time with God will restore you eternally.
Father, I come to You weary and in need of rest. Lead me beside still waters and make me lie down in green pastures. Restore my soul and refresh my spirit. Amen.