A Year to Remember

By November 19, 2020 Life Thoughts

2020 need I say more.

This has, by far, been one of the most difficult years professionally and personally. As this year is finally coming to a close, it feels like we lived through a decade. A few highlights: Camylla and I celebrated five years of marriage, Ezra turned one, quarantine was productive as we now have one more on the way (due May 2021), Mable had 13 puppies, Camylla started her nursing program, we relaunched our photography / story business (West Wave Collective), and lastly we became a minivan family.

Through it all, we led our church through one of its most challenging moments, and God showed up, people’s lives are being changed, and the mission continues. Thankful for the tough times to remind us that He never forsakes us.